Because TakeStock EPOS is unlike any other EPOS system, you will have seen you can be sure that we have something special in mind for the stats/ reports.

And we do over 30 basic reports covering such things as:

Debtors, Age of Debt, Top Spenders, Reports Outstanding

Refunded Sales, Stock In, Stock In Expanded, Multi Stock,

Vouchers, Credit Notes, Weekly Sales Trends, Web Trends

TakeStock EPOS also offer repairs and alterations to your business. Take a look at this...

See how easy TakeStock EPOS makes this process, instantly generate repair slips, view previous repairs. Allocate shock to the repair bill automatically, let the system generate the full bill without you being bogged own with massive paperwork.

See details such as:

Date in, Date out, Items used within repair,

Overall costing automatically calculated, Inspection fees paid,

Sales receipt tickets.


All in all, giving you 'Total Control Of Your Business'

What people say about us

"Takestock EPOS is so easy and simple to use. I use it for my company and will never look back on what a brilliant, easy and very affordable choice I have made. As the saying goes, they definatly are 'Giving you Total Control of your Business'."

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